Prayer Group

About Annunciation Parish

Our Mission

  • Word - Living our lives in the image of Christ, studying scripture, attempting daily to encounter Christ.
  • Worship - Contributing to the growth of our parish, spreading God's Word through example, prayer, worship, and thanking our God.
  • Service - Striving at home, work, or play to make known our faith in God, accountable to Him.
  • Stewardship - Struggling daily to be faithful stewards, sharing our time, talents, and treasures, and serving the needs of the less fortunate.
Beautiful Statues

Church Decorated For Easter

Stained Glass Window

Our History

Annunciation Parish came to birth in December of 1998 with the merger of three local Catholic Church communities.

These were:

  • Immaculate Conception Parish - Fox Lake, Wisconsin - Founded in 1850
  • St. Mary Parish - Lost Lake, Wisconsin - Founded in 1865
  • St. Gabriel Parish - Randolph, Wisconsin - Founded in 1916

The ethnic roots of all three of these parishes were found in the European migration from Ireland, Germany, and Poland that took place during the early and mid-nineteenth century. Along with their hopes and dreams for a better life in this "New World," these courageous people brought with them their deeply rooted faith in God that they experienced and celebrated within the life and tradition of the Roman Catholic Church.

In June of 2024 we joined a collaboration of parishes in the Western dodge County.   We now are with:  St. Joseph's, Waupun; St. Katharine Drexel, Beaver Dam; Holy Family, Reeseville; St. Columbkille, Elba; and St. John the Baptist Clyman.

Our Personnel

  • Reverend William Arnold, Pastor
  • Reverend Thomas Naidu, Associate Pastor
  • Reverend Nicholas Dhein, Associate Pastor
  • Judy Wolf, Business Manager
  •  Madelyn Ver Hage   Director of Religious Education
  • Dianne Bell, Liturgical Musician